
We design and test initiatives with a wide range of partners to influence the stories that people hear, the conversations that people have, and the things that people do together. We focus on engaging the population segments that have the greatest potential to change the dynamics of increasingly fractured societies.

Informed by our research, we seek to identify the projects, stories and partnerships that can effectively counter ‘us-versus-them’ narratives of division. We focus on reaching majorities, partnering with large scale institutions, uniting people across the lines of division and strengthening people’s sense of shared belonging and identity.

Parlons Climat



The societal movement in favor of environmental protection and the fight against climate change has grown in recent years. However, this growth of the movement is currently losing speed, or even decreasing. And at the same time, ecology is becoming a new subject of tension. Faced with these major challenges, we have created the Parlons Climat program, in partnership with the European Climate Foundation, and with the support of the Daniel and Nina Carasso Foundation.

Navigieren im Ungewissen: Impulse zur Zukunft unserer Gesellschaft


Navigieren Im Ungewissen More In Common Zuversicht Hoffnung Krise Studie Cover

Amidst multiple crises, German society is in need of togetherness, orientation and confidence. Drawing on polling from over 4,000 adults and several focus groups, we examine in this four-paper series how people experience challenges such as Covid and war in Europe, what aspirations they have for tomorrow – and how political and social actors can help shape a future that inspires them with hope.

Britain Talks Climate

United Kingdom

Climate Outreach Shorter

Our Britain’s Choice report identified the environment as a concern that unites us, and as we look ahead to a post pandemic recovery in the UK, we are seeking to build upon that common ground. We partnered with Climate Outreach, leading experts in climate change communications, to create Britain Talks Climate, an evidence-based toolkit designed to support any organization that wants to engage the British public on climate change. It offers a shared, strategic understanding of the British public, based on the social psychology lens we applied to our research. Britain Talks Climate explores how to build narratives that resonate across a diverse range of values and everyday concerns in a way that is critical for the long-term goal of deepening public engagement in climate action. 

Spheres of Convening


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In this innovative project we are exploring the physical spaces where people from all sections of society interact. As pandemic lockdown restrictions ease, we see again how public spaces become a site for social connections, or convenings. With this initiative we’re seeking to identify places, such as libraries, churches, sports associations, and public transportation, that have the greatest potential for creating connections across divides. We are bringing together civil society organizations to conduct training on how to best engage the ‘invisible’ segments of the population using the insights we find in our research. The goal is to provide civil society with evidence to improve the effectiveness of their efforts to strengthen social connections and interactions.  


Democracy for President

United States

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Democracy for President is an initiative from More in Common to empower Americans with cutting-edge data and unbiased information on issues of election integrity. We are providing communities with the resources the  need to spark conversations and address shared concerns about the state of our democracy. Using insights from our research, we developed a communications toolkit that focuses on reaching voters most at risk from disinformation about the 2020 elections, and about US democracy more broadly. We have brought together local and national organizations with a shared interest in the integrity of the elections to use our research and resources to support their efforts to make campaigning and communications more  effective.

An Inclusive Climate Debate


Climate Trees

Drawing on our understanding of the environment as a key area of unity, we launched our project ‘Common Ground in the Climate Debate’ to further assess who had a voice in the current debate, and who felt excluded. Through our research we are encouraging the climate movement in Germany to expand its support beyond the more progressive groups and find ways to address all sections of society. We are carrying out surveys and listening to people views on climate change, understanding their values, attitudes, and expectations for Germany. These fresh insights will then be applied to briefings and trainings to help civil society actors engage with all parts of the German population in a constructive and inclusive way that focuses on successful collective action. 

Working with Churches and Faith-Based NGOS


Catholic Church In France1

In 2018 we published a report, Attitudes and Perceptions Towards Migrants Among French Catholics in partnership with Bishops’ Conference of the Catholic Church in France and with NGOs Caritas France, La Pastorale des Migrants, CCFD - Terre Solidaire and the Jesuit Refugee Service. Since then, we have worked in partnership with these groups at the national and local levels to develop communication strategies around issues of difference, diversity and division relevant to French Catholics. We have conducted training programs, co-created a messaging guidebook and helped with their volunteer engagement strategies.

Media Partnerships


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We work with print, digital and TV journalists, producers and media organizations in all of our countries to inspire new storytelling approaches and audience engagement initiatives that bring to life the ‘more in common’ message. The goal of this work is reflected in the concept of “complicating the narrative”, captured by the Washington DC-based journalist Amanda Ripley (who has no formal connection to More in Common but is a valued friend). Given the central role that media can play in reinforcing or countering polarization, we seek to expand our involvement in this sphere.

Living Room Conversations

United States

National Immigration Forum 2 Copy

In 2018, More in Common partnered with the National Immigration Forum, a leading immigration policy and advocacy organization, on a 27-city learning tour of “Living Room Conversations” in suburban and rural communities across America. The purpose of the Living Room Conversation campaign was to deepen an understanding of the cultural, security and economic concerns that drive the immigration debate and examine competing frames around immigration and integration. This is an ongoing partnership where we work collaboratively on developing messaging and communication initiatives to build more inclusive communities across America.

The Hidden Tribes in Action

United States

NYT HT In Action

The Hidden Tribes Project is a multi-year initiative to understand the forces driving Americans apart and how we can bring Americans back together. It involves ongoing workstreams of research, developing issue-specific communications strategies, training programs for civil society leaders and testing insights emerging from the research. For example, a front page article in the New York Times in April 2019  focused on a detailed analysis of the Hidden Tribes data relating to the differences between Democrats who are active on Twitter and the larger number of Democrats who are not, and how social media can distort our perceptions and contribute to polarization.

The Diversity Shapers


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Within the "Diversity Shapers" Programme by Robert Bosch Foundation, we support six local alliances from different regions of Germany in their mission to strengthen diversity in their respective municipalities. In a subproject on successful  communication funded by OSIFE, we help those local alliances explore how best to address and engage with people from different societal groups.

The Great Get Together

United Kingdom

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More in Common worked closely with the Jo Cox Foundation to create the Great Get Together in the United Kingdom in 2017, and then make it an annual national moment under the Foundation’s auspices. The Great Get Together brings together thousands of communities across the UK in self-organized community events. These unifying moments provide a powerful counter to stories of how the UK has become an increasingly divided and disconnected society.

Fête des Voisins


Fete Des Voisins2

We are working in partnership with France’s large annual La Fête des Voisins (the Neighbours’ Party), an event which brings together around nine million people in France each year. Immeuble en Fête is the grassroots organization behind this annual event, and it works to promote social cohesion. This partnership has involved testing different ways to connect strangers together on the ground. We discovered that the Bingo des Voisins was the most effective tool to connect strangers at neighborhood events, and as a result in May 2019 some 300,000 community facilitators were given Bingo kits in their community organizing package.

Finding Common Ground on Climate between Cosmopolitans and the Left Behind


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An important dimension of More in Common’s work is testing strategies to prevent and reduce social fractures. Far-right groups are seeking to drive deep wedges between different parts of society, such as between cosmopolitans and people in ‘left-behind’ communities. We identified the risk of divisions widening in France after the emergence of the Yellow Vest movement with this project that seeks to find where common ground exists between the movement and cosmopolitans. The project looks especially at issues of the environment, climate and social justice. It is being undertaken with several partners including environmental groups, with outputs that can strengthen the sense of shared identity and values between those concerned with ‘the end of the month’ and those concerned with ‘the end of the world.’ The project involves research, civil society convenings, narrative development, training and testing of communications strategies.

The Roots Programme

United Kingdom


We have partnered with The Roots, a British social start-up organization that is building bridges through a series of cultural exchanges between people of differing political and economic backgrounds across the United Kingdom. We worked with The Roots to conduct research around the community exchanges, while also engaging with their local networks as part of a series of Community Conversations.

Strategic Communications Pilot

United States

Usa Chart

This is a research-to-action project that tests the practical application of insights from the Hidden Tribes project. It deploys the Core Beliefs methodology to develop alternative framing of highly contested issues, with an initial focus on the issue of immigration. The project involves measuring audience responses to existing values-based messages on the opposing sides of the immigration debate, and to new messages shaped by the most strongly held values of the ‘Exhausted Majority’ of Americans. This work provides a foundation for communications strategies based on both-and rather than either-or solutions, which achieve much stronger resonance than communications strategies that appeal only to one dimension of people’s values. The project includes ongoing engagement with civil society groups to develop, test and share results.

Germany speaks


Zeit Online (1)

The German news outlet ZEIT Online has initiated the project “Germany speaks” together with many media partners that matches pairs of Germans who disagree on political issues to meet in person. Every year thousand of Germans participate. We are accompanying the project with our learnings from connections done right and on current societal conflict lines in Germany.

Across all these initiatives we are just beginning to learn how we can turn the insights from our research into impact and change.

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