
More in Common took shape from work undertaken since 2016 to understand why so many societies were dividing around debates about their identity and belonging, and why people were being increasingly persuaded to see debates about immigration, refugees and diversity through the lens of ‘us-versus-them’. Since then, we have broadened our research agenda and incorporated several layers of social psychology research to provide a deeper analysis of the different factors contributing to polarization and social fracturing.

More in Common’s published studies of public attitudes in several European countries and the United States are already regarded as among the most insightful and actionable analyses of public opinion. Our team also published papers on polarization, social media and the psychology of political behavior.

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A tired community

October 2023

The "Tired Community" report offers a fresh look at Polish society that escapes established binary divisions. Instead, we present seven segments. The report paints a picture of a society tired of political conflict, but also one that, despite its differences, still has a lot in common.

The Respect Agenda

September 2023

New research from More in Common and the UCL Policy Lab finds that the public are crying out for more respect from their political leaders and many of our key national institutions.

Free Speech and Inclusion: How College Students are Navigating Shifting Speech Norms

September 2023
Report Highlights

This report analyzes how college students' political ideology, race, and gender relate to their experiences with free speech and inclusion on campus.

Welcoming Afghans: In their own words

September 2023

USPUK and More in Common have conducted the first publicly available survey of Afghan refugees living in hotels, to better understand their wants and needs, and how best government and civil society can help them

Britons and Mental Health: Time to Act

September 2023

New report exploring the British public's starting points on mental health and their expectations for improving mental health support

Attitudes and Experiences of Republicans in America – Part One: Identity, Belonging, and Priorities

August 2023

Our national survey of 800 registered Republican voters explores what priorities Republicans want to see from their candidates and how they feel going into election season. Our survey finds, Republicans overwhelmingly want to see a focus on conservative issues such as the economy, crime and immigration while a battle against 'woke' ideologies appears significantly less appealing.

Welcoming Afghans: Lessons from Operation Warm Welcome

August 2023

Over the last two years, Britain has welcomed around 25,000 people from Afghanistan. The two year anniversary of the fall of Kabul provides a unique opportunity to reflect on what we have learnt since the Operation Pitting evacuation of Kabul.

The future, democracy, togetherness: what's on the mind of German society after a year of price crisis

August 2023
More information

It's the middle of 2023 and Germany is in crisis mode: Prices are (still) rising, the economy is depressed, and politicians are arguing, sometimes heatedly, about the right course to take. How do people in Germany view their personal situation, society and politics after a year of price crisis and inflation? We conducted research to find out.

Police, neighborhoods, French identity: after the riots, the French worried but moderate

July 2023

Following the death of young Nahel and the urban violence that followed, did the French all choose a side? Police or local youth, kitty A or pot B? Destin Commun surveyed the French, with Kantar Public France, and paints, two days before July 14, the portrait of a France that is anxious and aware of the fundamental problems, but above all moderate and nuanced.

Europe: the French in search of Union. State of opinion one year before the European elections

June 2023

One year before the European elections, the countdown is on. What representations and perceptions dominate among the French when asked about the European Union? The new study “Europe: the French in search of Union. State of opinion one year before the European elections", offers a detailed snapshot of the opinion and visions of the French on Europe, based on a methodology based on value systems.