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Managing a Polarized Workforce

Managing a Polarized Workforce

01 March 2022

Harvard Business Review

"In a recent survey by More in Common, a group dedicated to strengthening societies against social division, fewer than 20% of Democrats agreed that most police officers are bad people, but Republicans thought that more than half of them would agree. False polarization makes people expect that discussing a contentious topic with someone holding a different view will be highly unpleasant and largely pointless."

Managing a Polarized Workforce

From yellow vests to the Freedom Convoy, the same fuels

From yellow vests to the Freedom Convoy, the same fuels

15 February 2022

In an Op-Ed article, Laurence de Nervaux analyses the protest movement called "Convoi de la liberté"' inspired by the Canadian demonstrations: "Traveling across the country to Paris and then Brussels, "le Convoi de la liberté" is an expression of the deep lines of division that run through French society. Reducing it to an anti-vax revolt would only feed an already alarming stigma". 

Le Pen-Zemmour electorate, immigration, ecology: the study that sheds light on French divisions

Le Pen-Zemmour electorate, immigration, ecology: the study that sheds light on French divisions

08 February 2022

"Three strong markers appear today in French society: uncertainty, a feeling of powerlessness and mistrust. They are not shared in the same way by the different families of French people and thus create gaps that are detrimental to cohesion". 

Law and Justice promised a Poland of solidarity, but caused Poles to stop trusting each other 

Law and Justice promised a Poland of solidarity, but caused Poles to stop trusting each other 

21 January 2022

Gazeta Wyborcza 

"The pandemic has exposed the weaknesses of the state model built by the Law and Justice party. A credible vision of a community of solidarity and a truly welfare state could respond to these needs and at the same time contribute to building bridges between the feuding sides of Polish society".

PiS obiecywał Polskę solidarną, a sprawił, że Polacy przestali sobie ufać

America is overdosing on the apocalypse

America is overdosing on the apocalypse

20 January 2022

Financial Times

Today’s America is divided into two camps. One spends its time doomscrolling the internet to confirm all the dark motives they suspected. The second is getting on with their lives. The latter, which others have dubbed the “exhausted majority”, is the source of whatever hope is to be found”.

America is overdosing on the apocalypse