
More in Common took shape from work undertaken since 2016 to understand why so many societies were dividing around debates about their identity and belonging, and why people were being increasingly persuaded to see debates about immigration, refugees and diversity through the lens of ‘us-versus-them’. Since then, we have broadened our research agenda and incorporated several layers of social psychology research to provide a deeper analysis of the different factors contributing to polarization and social fracturing.

More in Common’s published studies of public attitudes in several European countries and the United States are already regarded as among the most insightful and actionable analyses of public opinion. Our team also published papers on polarization, social media and the psychology of political behavior.

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Defusing the History Wars: A Black History Month Report

February 2023

A follow-up to our Defusing the History Wars project, this report explores polarization in the national conversation over American history in the context of Black History Month.

SOTU 2023: Speaking to the Exhausted Majority

January 2023

More in Common conducted a national survey the week following the November 2022 midterm elections. To better connect with the Exhausted Majority the data indicates that both the President's speech and the GOP response should focus on articulating a positive vision for the country while acknowledging the anxieties and frustrations most feel towards our country's politics. ​

Where are the police? Britons’ attitudes to crime, anti-social behaviour and the police

January 2023

New report outlining Britons' attitudes on crime, policing, and anti-social behaviour: highlighting their lack of trust in the police, and what needs to be done to rebuild public support

Americans' Views on MLK Day

January 2023

A survey of more than 1,000 Americans exploring their views on the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., the importance of celebrating MLK Day and thoughts on improvements in racial equality.

How and why can people be reached in very different ways for participation formats?

January 2023

Based on our research data from 2019 to 2022, the impulse paper develops three theses on how and why people can be reached for participation in very different ways. These considerations are central in order to be able to win over not only the usual suspects, but also people from different values and lifestyles for a joint say through the selection of the right participation intensities, formats, approaches and locations.

Ohio 2022 Midterms Survey

December 2022

A survey of more than 1,000 adult Ohioans on their views of the recent midterm elections in their state and their attitudes towards the political climate.

Defusing The History Wars

December 2022
Defusing The History Wars

Our recent survey found that people have more in common than they think when it comes to their opinions on U.S. history. However, they incorrectly think members of the opposing party have views much different than they do - this is called a perception gap and it creates imagined enemies of their fellow Americans.

2022 Veterans Day Report

November 2022

Based on polling from over 2500 US adult citizens, including 500 veterans, this report explores Americans' views towards veterans and veterans' issues. The survey findings suggest that veterans could play a unique role in disrupting the cycle of polarization and division in the U.S.

Politics and Parties

October 2022

An online survey of 2,000 adult US citizens in partnership with LX News, a national NBC broadcast & streaming network focused on Americans’ attitudes towards the 2022 midterm elections and on their feelings about how to best influence politics.

Afghan Adjustment Act

September 2022

In August 2022, a group of bipartisan legislators introduced the Afghan Adjustment Act (S. 4787/H.R. 8685) in the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives, which will allow certain US-affiliated and at-risk Afghans to apply to live in the United States permanently. Based on our survey conducted among 1,500 Americans, this report explores the public’s familiarity and attitudes towards the Afghan Adjustment Act.