11 November 2023
Meaningful dialogue begins with everyday interactions.
This Veterans Day, Strike Up a Conversation
10 November 2023
Adam Traczyk comments on Dorota Salus' conversation with Law and Justice voters about their concerns about the election results.
To reduce the concerns of the opposing voters, they must first be heard
31 October 2023
Political “dealignment,” the Seventh Party System, and lessons for the left from recent history of the right.
26 October 2023
“ 2 out of 3 French people feel safe where they live. The discourse that proliferated after the riots about generalized insecurity does not correspond to reality.” In the show Sens Public, Laurence de Nervaux, director of Destin Commun, discusses the lessons of our flash investigation "Violence, police, neighborhoods: an opinion more nuanced than polarized, carried out a few days after the death of young Nahel and the riots urban areas that followed.