In The News

I've lived in both Americas. Most people everywhere don't want to hate each other

I've lived in both Americas. Most people everywhere don't want to hate each other

20 January 2021

CNN Opinion

"According to Hidden Tribes, a 2018 report on political polarization in America, some 77% of Americans 'believe that our differences aren't so great that we can't come together.' Our fellow citizens on the far left and right may never come together, but I know that most people across this land do not want to hate each other. My neighbors in Atlanta and in Chautauqua share lots of common ground."

I've lived in both Americas. Most people everywhere don't want to hate each other

Advice to Team Biden: Delete Your Twitter Accounts

Advice to Team Biden: Delete Your Twitter Accounts

19 January 2021

Washington Monthly

"the Twitterverse is anything but representative of the nation"

"A study of the Democratic electorate, by the nonpartisan Hidden Tribes project, (found)... only 11 percent of online Democrats are African American compared to 24 percent of Democrats in the real world, and 53 percent of Democrats on social media said they have become more liberal over their lifetimes; only 30 percent of offline Democrats said the same."

Advice to Team Biden: Delete Your Twitter Account

British society is more united than we are led to believe

British society is more united than we are led to believe

11 January 2021

Positive News

The culture wars do not resonate with most Britons, according to a report, which says that despite Brexit the country is actually united on many fronts – especially climate change

British society is more united than we are led to believe

On Patriotic Empathy

On Patriotic Empathy

16 December 2020

Real Clear Politics

"New research from More in Common... indicates that a mere 34% of progressive activists are “proud” of being American. Some 30% of Americans generally do not feel pride in America, including 30% of African Americans."

"Patriotic empathy is what those of us for whom conspicuous love of country comes easily need to hold for those whose relationship to America feels more complicated".

On Patriotic Empathy

Who are the real tribes of Britain?

Who are the real tribes of Britain?

27 October 2020

Drop what you’re doing and read this: it’s one of the important pieces of opinion research this year. Entitled Britain’s Choice, and published by More in Common, it doesn’t analyse Britain by political affiliation, but according to deeper values. So instead of Left versus Right or Remain versus Leave, we are grouped into seven tribes including “Progressive Activists”, ...

Who are the real tribes of Britain?