In The News

La France, un "archipel" divisé ? "Les Français attendent que l'on reprenne le fil du dialogue"

La France, un "archipel" divisé ? "Les Français attendent que l'on reprenne le fil du dialogue"

17 February 2020

Anaiz Parfait and Mathieu Lefevre gave an interview to Marianne magazine about our new French research 'Finding France'

La France, un "archipel" divisé ? "Les Français attendent que l'on reprenne le fil du dialogue" 

Portrait d’une France en colère

Portrait d’une France en colère

04 February 2020

Francois Xavier Demoures was a guest on France Culture radio to talk about our new research on social division and polarization in France.

Portrait d’une France en colère 

In a fractured country, the French are waiting for unity

In a fractured country, the French are waiting for unity

03 February 2020

"'The importance of this group of forgotten people is very worrying,' says Mathieu Lefèvre, co-founder of Destin Commun. 'Especially since our report shows that these three groups seem to be moving forward in parallel with each other. Our conviction is that we are at a crossroads: we urgently need to reconnect with the forgotten.'" 
Americans exaggerate the extremism of the other side

Americans exaggerate the extremism of the other side

19 November 2019


Daniel Yudkin is associate director of research at the nonpartisan organization More in Common and a postdoctoral fellow at the Behavioral Science Initiative at the University of Pennsylvania. The views expressed in this commentary are his own. View more opinion on CNN.

Americans exaggerate the extremism of the other side

You’re probably making incorrect assumptions about your opposing political party

You’re probably making incorrect assumptions about your opposing political party

26 July 2019

The Washington Post

What we think we know about the other side is usually wrong. More in Common’s study found that average Democrats and Republicans radically overestimate the percentage of the other side that holds “extreme views.”
The Perception Gap: How False Impressions are Pulling Americans Apart