In The News

The Perception Gap

The Perception Gap

24 June 2019

Do you have a yawning Perception Gap, or are you in sync with the American public? Our study explores how Americans tend to have a distorted understanding of people on the other side of the aisle, what causes it, and why it matters.

The Perception Gap

The political perception gap

The political perception gap

24 June 2019

The Financial Times

“If you want the least biased viewpoint, talk to an uneducated Democrat.” More in Common’s study confirms Rania Foroohar’s assertion that experts are the least likely to give up their own closely held ideas, even when they are proven wrong.
The Perception Gap: How False Impressions are Pulling Americans Apart

Survey: Greeks Value Compassion and Solidarity More Positive Toward Refugees than Other EU Citizens

Survey: Greeks Value Compassion and Solidarity More Positive Toward Refugees than Other EU Citizens

11 May 2019

The National Herald

More in Common’s findings show that while Greeks have a stronger sense of national identity and pride in their country than other European countries, this has not translated into anti-migrant feelings. Instead, compassion and solidarity form a part of their identity. 
Attitudes towards National Identity, Immigration and Refugees in Greece

The Democratic Electorate on Twitter Is Not the Actual Democratic Electorate

The Democratic Electorate on Twitter Is Not the Actual Democratic Electorate

09 April 2019

A front page report in The New York Times

Using data drawn from our Hidden Tribes study, The New York Times looked further into the fact that moderate Democrats outnumber the vocally active Democrats on social media by and large. The Democratic Party may have moved to the left in recent years, but it would be wrong to believe their entire voter base has moved along with them.
Hidden Tribes: A Study of America’s Polarized Landscape

These Americans Are Done With Politics

These Americans Are Done With Politics

17 November 2018

The New York Times

Meet a few members of the Exhausted Majority who are tired of the current political deadlock. “The highly politically engaged tribes may have seized on the midterm elections as a victory, but for the Exhausted Majority it merely perpetuated a hopeless stalemate.”
Hidden Tribes Midterms Update