In The News

The “Invisibles” in the Pandemic

The “Invisibles” in the Pandemic

26 March 2020

As governments scramble to rebuild households and businesses following the threat of #COVID19, they should not neglect local communities, write our co-founders Tim Dixon and Mathieu Lefèvre in this oped for Project Syndicate.

The Invisibles in the Pandemic

The 'Exhausted Majority' Wakes Up for Joe Biden

The 'Exhausted Majority' Wakes Up for Joe Biden

10 March 2020

The 'Exhausted Majority' Wakes Up for Joe Biden: Drawing on the findings of the Hidden Tribes project about America's vocal 'wing' groups and Exhausted Majority, Time columnist David French finds explanations for how the 2020 primaries have played out.

The 'Exhausted Majority' Wakes Up for Joe Biden

France in search: can the environment bring us together?

France in search: can the environment bring us together?

05 March 2020

"In a large survey on the state of democratic life in France, the association Destin Commun studied the subjects that divide us and bring us together. The survey shows that the environment is a unifying subject. 80% of French people think that we should stick together".
Can the environment be the issue that unites us?

Can the environment be the issue that unites us?

28 February 2020

This front page article on leading French daily Le Monde features our new research showing how protecting nature and the environment is one of the few issues that has the potential to unite people across lines of division in France. 

L’écologie, ce nouvel horizon politique 

Half of Americans Don’t Vote. What Are They Thinking?

Half of Americans Don’t Vote. What Are They Thinking?

19 February 2020

More in Common's research has provided deep insights into the values and worldviews of Americans who feel left out of politics and don't usually vote – a group larger than Democrats, Republicans or Independents. A new study is building on the insights from the Hidden Tribes project.

Half of Americans Don’t Vote. What Are They Thinking?